Contact-free drilling, shaping,
smoothing and polishing –
SAE spark erosion for
combined dentures
With the SAE spark erosion procedure, dental technicians can work with all dental alloys without any problem, specifically, however, with the hard NPM CoCrMo alloys and titanium. The erosion process occurs, in contrast to the milling and drilling processes, without any contact. Electrical short circuit impulses cause the fine erosion in the lowest µm range. This means that even complicated geometric shapes can be created.
Do you want to experience dental spark erosion on-site? You are welcome to come and see us. Come and visit us in Bremerhaven or Berlin and we will give you an in-depth demonstration with no obligation. We look forward to hearing from you.

Also of interest:
SAE Spark Erosion Machine
Advantages of Dental Spark Erosion
Work process - spark erosion process I:
Precision fit for dental connecting elements
The workpiece (dentures) and the tool electrode are placed in the correct working position in the spark erosion machine so that both have indirect contact. There is always a gap. The procedure occurs in a container which is filled with dielectric fluid, a non-conducting fluid (= light petrol).
Spark erosion of the pin fit
At the beginning of the spark erosion process, the workpiece and the electrode are completly submerged in the dielectric fluid.The dielectric fluid serves to flush and cool the workpiece and supports the electrical spark erosion process. The workpiece and the electrode are linked via a live cable to a direct current source.
The power supply is interrupted by a switch. When this is closed, there are short circuit impulses between the workpiece and the electrode which produce a sparkover from the electrode to the workpiece. The sparkovers cause the erosion of the metal on the workpiece through the shaped electrode.
In order to obtain optimal results we recommend that you consistently use our own developed and systematic work processes and that you exclusively use the proved and tested SAE materials.